Home > D. G. > Decomposed Granite For Sale > Honey Quartz D. G.

Honey Quartz D. G.

Honey Quartz D.G. is a crushed quartzite rock fine also known in the rock industry as Apache Sunset D.G. This material is a product of a Southern California quarry and is available in 1/4" minus size.

Honey Quartz D.G. is a rich apricot gold color D.G. material with a strong balance of crushed rock fines that allow it to pack down really hard. The golden apricot color of this material is very unique. This material can complement the many colors in the gardens and landscaping areas.
Also available in various sizes of Decorative rock, wall rock, and boulders.
One ton of this material will cover approximately 90 sq ft at 3 inches deep. One cubic yard of this material will cover 120 sq ft at 3 inches deep. This material sold with or without stabilizers,
This product is shipped in bulk and super sacks wherever requested in the USA.


This material mixes very well with dry soluble and liquid stabilizer products.
Honey Quartz D.G. should be mixed with 10 to 12 pounds of dry stabilizer with 1 ton of the D.G. for the best results.
D. G. Materials Coverage Rate Per Ton
As a general rule of 1/4" of crushed stone or decomposed granite material will cover a little over 90 square feet of a ground area at a 3" depth.
D. G. Materials Coverage Rate Per Yard
As a general rule, 1 cubic yard of 1/4" of crushed stone or decomposed granite material will cover 120 square feet in a 3" inch layer. A cubic yard of moist crushed stone fines or decomposed granite material weighs more or less 2,500 pounds.
Decomposed granite and crushed stone products are commonly used for decorative walkways, patio & outdoor living areas, planter beds, light duty driveways, water-wise landscaping, dog runs, utility, and side yard areas.
Material Purchases by the Scoop, Skip, Yard or Ton ?
Landscape supply yards are infamous for providing buyers with horrible rates of measurement. In nearly all cases they tell you that "their" scoop or skip is the best deal around and that they always give a little extra. Nothing could be further from the truth. Almost all rock materials in our industry are sold at the wholesale level the ton and truckers charge by the ton to haul the rock, and none of it is cheap. No one is just giving quality rock away.
When buying your materials you should know if you are being billed by the ton or the bucket load. If by the bucket on the loader, what is size it is it 1/2, full yard or another size?
Purchasing by ton, the truck hauling it should be weighed before loading and after it is loaded. Almost any quarry that sells quality rock with a good reputation has a certified scale for weighing large truck loads of rock material. Each "scale house" or "weigh master" issues a weight ticket for the truck passing over the scale.
Purchasing by the scoop, then visually inspect each scoop to make sure it is a complete full scoop of material. When you pay for materials by ton you know exactly what you are getting. We strongly urge buyer's to request a scale receipt for their orders and not the word of the tractor operator that he put 4 or 5 skips, scoops or yards in the truck.

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Honey Quartz D.G. Fines 1/4" Minus Honey Quartz D. G. 1/4" Minus Per Ton RockSack

Southern California quarry shipping bulk throughout Southern, Central and Northern California or in supersacks as needed.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $239.99 Southern California Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $174.99
Savings: $65.00
Honey Quartz D.G. Fines 3/8" Minus Honey Quartz D. G. 1/4" Minus TruckLoad

Southern California quarry shipping bulk throughout Southern, Central and Northern California or in super sacks as needed.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $227.99 Southern California Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $83.99
Savings: $144.00
Honey Quartz D. G.